“Pedagogy consists in the practice of the ways to help others to find themselves. The pedagogue works like a midwife, (…) leading others to their own paths towards their original sources.” (Fernando González, 1936)
“La pedagogía consiste en la práctica de los modos para ayudar a otros a encontrarse; el pedagogo es partero, (…) conduce a los otros por sus respectivos caminos hacia sus originales fuentes. (Fernando González, 1936).
According to UNO’s Development Programme, Human Development ‘is about expanding the richness of human life, rather than simply the richness of the economy in which human beings live. It is the development of the people through building human capabilities, by the people through active participation in the processes that shape their lives and for the people by improving their lives’ (United Nations Development Programme, 2016).
Regarding the previous definition, it may be argued that this concept involves not only how to acquire specific technician knowledge, but also how to face and solve socio-affective situations during the students’ daily working situations.
At Institución Educativa Paulina, we assume English classes as not only for learning vocabulary, but most important, as an instrument to help our students to defeat their fears about English as Foreign Language (EFL) acquisition because, basically, our main objective targets to enhance human abilities and to create conditions for human development.
Fandiño Parra, Y. J. (2010). Explicit Teaching of Socio-Affective Language Learning Strategies to Beginner EFL Students. Íkala, 15(24), 145-169
González, F. (1936). Los Negroides: Ensayo sobre la Gran Colombia. Corporación Otraparte. Retrieved from: https://www.otraparte.org/fernando-gonzalez/ideas/1936-negroides.html
United Nations Development Programme (2016). Human Development Report 2016. Retrieved from http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2016_human_development_report.pdf
Thanks to all the topics that we have seen, I can write a history using the correct verbs. Also, I can text with other people and understand perfectly what they try to say and I can make an understandable message.
We do a lot of reading activities and thanks to this, I improve my reading skills and I can interpret a text and give a summary about this. Also, thanks to the work of the teacher, the use of the translator was removed and I improved my personal vocabulary and I can talk about all that I think. In addition, we do a lot of activities to improve the listening and thanks to this work, I can understand a voice message of a native person and I can give an answer to a question that someone asks.
Personally, I can see thanks to all the work of the teacher Alejandro, a great improvement in both group and personal, we found the best way to learn and get fun at the same time.
Emmanuel Buritica 11°
Achievements Acquired
In this age of globalization, the English language is certainly a key to success. The entire world seems like a platform and the mode of communication of this platform is English. English provides us with an easy way to share ideas and communicate verbally as well as in written communication.
The media tecnica is the English class that we have in our institution in the afternoon. For me, this class makes me better in the communicating with other people, not only in English, in Spanish too, because we usually do different activities like presentations, games, food, movies, and other things that help me to improve my communication skills.
Thanks to this class, now I can speak with people that live in other countries, like the USA and now I can have a conversation and I can give an explanation about any topic that I like and let me know with my speaking..